
1. 心有猛虎,细水长流,大格局者,胸怀宽广。
   A great mind is like a vast sea, calm and deep, with a broad and tolerant chest.

2. 人生如棋,落子无悔,大格局者,运筹帷幄。
   Life is like a game of chess, where every move must be made without regret. A person with a big picture thinks strategically and plans ahead.

3. 眼界决定境界,格局决定结局。
   Perspective determines the realm, and pattern determines the outcome.

4. 不谋全局者,不足以谋一域;不谋万世者,不足以谋一时。
   One who does not plan for the whole cannot plan for a part; one who does not plan for the long term cannot plan for the short term.

5. 格局如海,能容万物,心胸如天,能纳百川。
   A broad mindset is like the sea, capable of accommodating everything; a generous heart is like the sky, able to embrace all rivers.

6. 真正的智者,不仅看得清自己,更能看得透世界。
   A true wise person can not only see themselves clearly, but also see through the world.

7. 格局不是一朝一夕形成的,而是日积月累的结果。
   A big picture mindset is not formed overnight, but is the result of accumulated efforts over time.

8. 有大格局者,不拘泥于小节,不畏惧于风雨。
   A person with a broad perspective is not bound by trifles and is not afraid of difficulties.

9. 人间清醒,不是看破红尘,而是看透生活本质后依然热爱生活。
   To be clear-minded in the world is not to see through the vanity of life, but to embrace life after understanding its essence.

10. 大格局者,不会被眼前的困难所吓倒,因为他们知道,这只是通往成功路上的一道风景。
   Those with a big picture mindset are not intimidated by difficulties in front of them, because they know that these are merely part of the journey to success.
