“腊八节”一般可以直接用拼音“laba”来表示,也可以翻译成La Ba Festival,腊八节是中国的传统节日之一,腊八节是每年农历十二月初八,又称为“法宝节”“佛成道节”“成道会”等。本为佛教纪念释迦牟尼佛成道之节日,后逐渐也成为民间节日。


The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called la yue, so the eighth day of this lunar month is la yue chu ba, or laba.

因为腊八节有喝腊八粥(Laba rice porridge)的传统,所以也可以简单介绍说这天又称the Laba Rice Porridge Festival。

The day is also known as the Laba Rice Porridge Festival. The Laba this year falls on Jan 2.


Three major customs on Laba are ancestor worship, eating Laba rice porridge and making Laba garlic.


Laba Festival, the original ancient harvest celebrations, thanks to ancestors and gods rituals, in addition to worship ancestors the activities, but also by people infected. This activity comes from the ancient Nuo.


The activities of the twelfth lunar month as the witchcraft epidemic of custom drum drive, this and other areas in Hunan are still retained in Xinhua.

Later evolved into a commemoration of the Buddha Sakyamuni Road religious holiday.


1、Since the earliest beginning of the Song Dynasty, this porridge has been popular in the royal court, local authorities, temples and common families.


2、The Laba porridge is called "Union Food" in Henan province, which is a food custom in memory of China's national hero Yue Fei.


3、As favor in the feudal upper class, it also quickly became popular throughout the country.

当腊八粥成为封建社会上层阶级的喜好时, 很快也就在全国流传开来.

4、Legends about the origin of this festivity abound.
