
1. 你的不在乎,是我心里最深的痛。
Your indifference is the deepest pain in my heart.

2. 你的离开,让我明白了孤独的滋味。
Your departure taught me the taste of loneliness.

3. 我曾以为你是我的全世界,现在我才发现,我只是你世界的一个过客。
I once thought you were my whole world, but now I realize I was just a passerby in yours.

4. 你的冷漠,比任何刀割都更痛。
Your coldness hurts more than any blade could ever slice.

5. 我对你的好,你视而不见;我对你的坏,你却铭记在心。
You overlook my kindness, but remember my wrongs.

6. 我以为我们的爱情可以战胜一切,没想到最先败下阵来的,却是我自己。
I thought our love could overcome everything, but I never expected that I would be the first to fall.

7. 你的一个转身,让我看到了我们之间的距离。
With one turn of your back, I saw the distance between us.

8. 我曾真心相待,你却当作笑话一场。
I treated you with sincerity, but you took it as a joke.

9. 你的每一句话,都像针一样扎进我的心。
Every word you say pierces my heart like a needle.

10. 曾经的海誓山盟,如今只是我一个人的回忆。
The once-vowed sea and mountain promises are now just memories of mine alone.
