

FZT (the zeolite carrying copper) as an algaecide to kill and control the red tide organisms was stadied. 摘要研究了沸石载铜(FZT)作为除藻剂对赤潮生物的灭杀和控制作用。

The paper dealt with the removal and control of red tide algae, Phaeoecystis globosa and Alexandrium tamarense by (biquaternary) ammonium salt algaecide. 研究了双季铵盐对球形棕囊藻和塔玛亚历山大藻两种赤潮生物的杀灭和控制作用。

With the selected Chlorella, several performance assessments of algaecide has been discussed, including chlorophyl a content detection, number micro-metering, algal cell juice opacity testing and algal inhibiting ring method. 选用小球藻作为实验藻种,对几种评价灭藻剂性能的方法进行了探讨,其中包括叶绿素法、藻圈法、细胞浊度法和显微计数法。

Control Blue Algal Bloom by Using Algaecide 利用化学杀藻剂控制滇池蓝藻水华研究

Keywords Algaecide;Semi-plant scale;Process design; 杀生灭藻剂;中试开发;工艺设计;