

Results Through the investigation, we found many susceptible factors in patients with recurring monilia vulvovaginitis. 结果通过本次调查,得出复发性念珠菌外阴阴道炎易患因素有11种之多。

To observe the effects and side effects of fluconazole in treating candidal vulvovaginitis. 目的:观察氟康唑治疗念珠菌性外阴阴道炎的疗效及不良反应。

Objective To study susceptible factors of recurring monilia vulvovaginitis, and offer theoretical foundation for its prevention in clinic. 目的研究探讨复发性念珠菌外阴阴道炎易感因素,为临床更好地预防复发性念珠菌外阴阴道炎提供理论依据。

Objective: To study the clinical effect and mechanism of Jietongyin Lotion (JTYL) in treating vulvovaginitis in young girls. 目的:探讨中药洁童阴洗液治疗幼女外阴阴道炎的临床疗效和作用机理。

Surveys and vaginal swabs were taken at baseline and at follow-up 14 days after enrollment or onset of vulvovaginitis symptoms. 受试者于治疗前接受审视与阴道抹片,随机分派后14天或外阴阴道炎症状出现时再接受一次;

Methods 118 patients with recurring monilia vulvovaginitis were chose, susceptible factors were inquired by medical history, questionnaire investigation. 方法选择复发性念珠菌外阴阴道炎患者118例,通过询问病史、问卷调查了解复发性念珠菌外阴阴道炎发病易患因素。