

Eggs ought to be eaten hardboiled," they pointed out. 鸡蛋应该吃hardboiled , ”他们指出。

So your poached egg preference sets you apart from the hardboiled fans at home. 常吃荷包蛋已经让你远离享用水煮蛋的乐趣了。

Margarita (Hu Ching)--She is known as a hardboiled, money-oriented mamasan. 胡绵)是红妈妈生,表面势利、刻薄、贪图金钱;

I hear Glen is out to beat the world record for the number of hardboiled eggs eaten in a minute. 我听说,格伦决心要打破一分钟吃煮鸡蛋个数的世界纪录。

On snowy mornings,she eschewed taxis and stuffed hot hardboiled eggs in her pockets to keep her hands warm. 在雪天的早晨,她也尽量不坐出租车,而是兜里揣上几个煮鸡蛋暖着手就上路了。