

Machines for fresh pasta manufacturing: ravioli, gnocchi, tortellini, cappelletti and other food... 分类标题:工业用亁燥机|面包糕点房用的和面机...

Cappelletti, P., Golla, C., Olivo, P., and Zanoni, E., Flash Memories, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, Chapter 1, pp. 1-4, 2000. 钟贤,“耐震快闪记忆体关键制程技术之研发”,硕士论文,国防大学中正理工学院电子工程研究所,桃园,第6-10页,2003年。

Cappelletti has seven business units operating throughout Italy and customers include some of the leading multinational fast moving consumer goods companies. Cappelletti拥有七个业务集团,业务遍及整个意大利,其客户包括一些顶尖的跨国快速消费品公司。

An established business with a strong customer portfolio, Cappelletti provides a strong platform in the fast growing Italian market for supply chain solutions. 这家拥有众多大型客户的成熟企业在快速增长的意大利市场上可以为供应链解决方案提供强大的平台。

Streptococcus cappelletti 母山羊链球菌