

Blindness, Feeblemind, and Touch of Idiocy are now removed by Rest Shrines. 休息圣像解除目盲,弱智,愚钝之触。

This feebleminded emperor, he is born to cut date to won't be known possibly by people place forever really. 这位意志薄弱的皇帝,他出生的确切日期可能永远不会被人们所知。

"Fast and public transportation system has cost of feebleminded bad news, low pollution, construction low, carry. 美国、加拿大、澳大利亚及欧洲一些城市的决策者和规划人员已将快速公交系统作为一种新的公共交通方式与轨道交通相提并论。

But I said I dare not sleep on it because I am too feebleminded to endure such an austere test. 我说我不敢睡那上面,因为本人意志太薄弱,经受不了如此严峻的考验。

The enchantment lasts until the caster is killed, feebleminded, or the enchantment is dispelled. 该魔法将持续有效,直到施法者本人死亡或在决斗中失败而失去神志,或者有人将其驱散。