

No signs of iritis, ptosis, or ocular movement limits were found. 并未发现有虹彩炎、眼睑下垂或眼球活动受限这现象。

There are corneal edema, iritis and soon. posterior capsular opacification is themajor cause of eyesight reduction. 后囊浑浊是造成视力下降的主要因素。

Eye damage appeared after a high fever and she was diagnosed with keratoleukoma, old iritis, and posterior synechia. 一次高热后出现眼部病变,诊断为双角膜白斑,陈旧性虹膜炎,虹膜后粘连。

The iritis sphincter and pupil enlarging muscle can regulate the size of the pupil quickly. 巩膜角膜肌、睫状肌发达,使其具有很强的双重调节能力;

After the operation common complications are corneal endothelial edema, and iris entrapment iritis and also posterior capsule muddy, cystoid macular edema and so on. 术后常见并发症为角膜内皮水肿,其次为虹膜嵌顿、虹膜炎还有后囊膜混浊、黄斑囊样水肿等。

Chronic iritis ocurrs in about 40% of cases of herpes zoster ophthalmicus with ocular involvement, which may persist for a long time with sectorial iris atrophy and secondary glaucoma. 摘要荣总眼科收集8例8眼以虹膜炎,局部虹膜萎缩及续发性青光眼为徵候之带状疱疹眼炎之病例。所有的病例均可见局部性虹膜萎缩及持续性的虹膜炎。